Implementing Real-Time Analytics with Redis and Node.js

Implementing Real-Time Analytics with Redis and Node.js

Real-time analytics are crucial for applications that need instant insights, such as tracking user activity, monitoring system health, or analyzing sales. Redis is an ideal tool for building real-time analytics due to its low-latency data access, rich data structures, and ability to handle high-throughput workloads. In this guide, we’ll walk through creating a real-time analytics system in Node.js with Redis for tracking visitors, counting events, storing timelines, and visualizing data.

Why Use Redis for Real-Time Analytics?

Redis’s high-speed, in-memory architecture and flexible data structures make it a powerful choice for real-time analytics. Key benefits include:

  1. Low-Latency Data Retrieval: Redis can handle thousands of operations per second, ensuring data is available immediately.
  2. Variety of Data Structures: Use sets, sorted sets, and streams to store and query data in ways that suit different analytics use cases.
  3. Real-Time Aggregation: Redis enables fast aggregation of data, which is essential for real-time dashboards and alerts.

Real-Time Analytics Use Cases in Node.js

In this guide, we’ll focus on four key use cases for real-time analytics in Redis:

  1. Tracking Unique Visitors: Counting unique users or visitors to monitor engagement.
  2. Counting Events: Recording events like clicks, sign-ups, or purchases.
  3. Storing Timelines: Maintaining ordered events over time, like page visits or actions.
  4. Aggregating Data: Summing or averaging values over specific time periods (e.g., hourly, daily).

Setting Up Redis and Node.js

Start by configuring Redis and creating a basic Node.js project if you haven’t already.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Install redis and express in your Node.js project.

npm install redis express

Step 2: Configure Redis Client

Create a redisClient.js file to manage the Redis connection.


const redis = require("redis");

const client = redis.createClient({ url: "redis://localhost:6379" });

client.on("connect", () => console.log("Connected to Redis for analytics"));
client.on("error", (err) => console.error("Redis error:", err));

module.exports = client;

Use Case 1: Tracking Unique Visitors

To track unique visitors, we can use Redis HyperLogLog to estimate the count of unique items (e.g., user IDs or IP addresses) efficiently. HyperLogLog provides approximate counts with low memory usage, making it ideal for tracking unique visitors.

Step 1: Recording Unique Visitors

Each visitor’s ID (e.g., IP address or user ID) is added to a Redis HyperLogLog. Redis maintains an approximate count of unique visitors over a specific time period.


const client = require("./redisClient");

const trackUniqueVisitor = async (visitorId) => {
  const today = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10); // YYYY-MM-DD format
  await client.pfAdd(`unique_visitors:${today}`, visitorId);

Step 2: Retrieving Unique Visitor Count

To retrieve the number of unique visitors for a specific day, use pfCount.

const getUniqueVisitorCount = async (date) => {
  const count = await client.pfCount(`unique_visitors:${date}`);
  return count;

With this setup, each day has a separate HyperLogLog, allowing you to track unique visitor counts per day.

Use Case 2: Counting Events

Tracking event counts, such as clicks or purchases, can help you analyze user behavior in real time. Redis hashes are ideal for storing event counts, where each event type is a field, and the count is its value.

Step 1: Recording Event Counts

Increment event counts by using the Redis hincrby command.


const trackEvent = async (event) => {
  const today = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10);
  await client.hIncrBy(`event_counts:${today}`, event, 1);

Step 2: Retrieving Event Counts

Retrieve all event counts for a specific date with hgetall.

const getEventCounts = async (date) => {
  const counts = await client.hGetAll(`event_counts:${date}`);
  return counts;

This approach enables you to track daily counts for each event, giving insights into usage patterns.

Use Case 3: Storing Timelines with Redis Lists

Use Redis lists to store timelines of actions or page visits in chronological order. Lists are efficient for appending data and retrieving recent entries, making them suitable for user timelines or activity feeds.

Step 1: Logging Actions in a Timeline

Each action is logged with a timestamp in a Redis list.


const logAction = async (userId, action) => {
  const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
  await client.lPush(`timeline:${userId}`, `${timestamp} - ${action}`);

Step 2: Retrieving Recent Actions

Retrieve recent actions with lrange, which returns a range of elements from a list.

const getRecentActions = async (userId, limit = 10) => {
  const actions = await client.lRange(`timeline:${userId}`, 0, limit - 1);
  return actions;

This setup allows you to fetch a user’s recent actions, making it useful for displaying activity history on dashboards.

Use Case 4: Aggregating Data Over Time

For real-time dashboards, aggregating data over specific time periods (e.g., hourly, daily) is essential. Sorted Sets in Redis provide an efficient way to store data with timestamps, enabling time-based queries.

Step 1: Storing Metrics in a Sorted Set

Use a sorted set where each entry’s score is a timestamp, allowing you to query by time range.


const logMetric = async (metric, value) => {
  const timestamp =;
  await client.zAdd(`metrics:${metric}`, { score: timestamp, value });

Step 2: Querying Data for Aggregation

Use zrangebyscore to retrieve metrics within a specific time range.

const getMetricsInRange = async (metric, start, end) => {
  const metrics = await client.zRangeByScore(`metrics:${metric}`, start, end);
  return metrics;

For example, to retrieve metrics within the last hour, set start as - 3600 * 1000 and end as

Building a Real-Time Dashboard with Redis and Node.js

You can integrate Redis with a web socket-based dashboard to visualize analytics data in real time. This section covers setting up a basic Express server with WebSocket to update clients.

Step 1: Setting Up a WebSocket Server with Express

Install ws, a WebSocket library for Node.js.

npm install ws

Step 2: Configure WebSocket in Express

Set up a WebSocket server within Express to push real-time updates to connected clients.


const express = require("express");
const { WebSocketServer } = require("ws");
const client = require("./redisClient");

const app = express();
const port = 3000;

const wss = new WebSocketServer({ noServer: true });

// Send real-time event counts to connected clients every 10 seconds
setInterval(async () => {
  const today = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 10);
  const eventCounts = await client.hGetAll(`event_counts:${today}`);

  wss.clients.forEach((ws) => {
    if (ws.readyState === ws.OPEN) {
}, 10000);

// HTTP and WebSocket server
const server = app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Server running on port ${port}`));

server.on("upgrade", (request, socket, head) => {
  wss.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, (ws) => {
    wss.emit("connection", ws, request);

With this setup:

  1. Real-Time Updates: Every 10 seconds, the server retrieves event counts and broadcasts them to all connected clients.
  2. WebSocket Connection: Clients receive updates via WebSocket, enabling live data visualization.

Visualizing Data in the Client

To complete the dashboard, set up a front-end client that connects to the WebSocket and displays real-time data.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Real-Time Analytics Dashboard</title>
  <h1>Real-Time Event Counts</h1>
  <ul id="eventCounts"></ul>

    const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000");


.onmessage = (event) => {
      const counts = JSON.parse(;
      const list = document.getElementById("eventCounts");
      list.innerHTML = "";
      for (const [event, count] of Object.entries(counts)) {
        const item = document.createElement("li");
        item.textContent = `${event}: ${count}`;

In this front-end code:

  1. WebSocket Connection: The client connects to the WebSocket server to receive updates.
  2. Displaying Data: The onmessage handler updates the event counts in real time, providing users with live insights.


Redis’s capabilities make it an exceptional choice for building real-time analytics in Node.js. By using Redis data structures like HyperLogLog, Lists, and Sorted Sets, you can track unique visitors, count events, store timelines, and aggregate data efficiently. Coupled with WebSockets, you can create dynamic, real-time dashboards that provide actionable insights to users immediately.

Integrate these techniques into your Node.js applications to unlock the full potential of Redis for real-time analytics and visualization.